Today’s blog is a guest edit by me-Clare Hammond, volunteer and trustee of Nibbles.
I started volunteering at Nibbles in February 2021. I had just moved to West Wales and was waiting for my husband to join me. I had always wanted to volunteer and I also hoped to make some new friends.
I volunteer every Saturday morning and really enjoy the coffee and cake cleaning out the buns. Saturdays are also my therapy time, lots of head smooths and smooches with the buns and catching up with a couple of work colleagues (Siobhan’s intense Cavachon dogs Reuben and Remi). Saturdays also allow me to ‘entertain’ Siobhan and Katie with my bun related lyrics to classic songs-Phil Collins ‘Just One Bun’ is particular favourite.
This year has been very exciting at the rescue with all the building works and new buns. I have enjoyed painting hutches and myself. We have taken Nibbles to Barkfest and Cardigan show and shook a collecting tin outside Tesco to raise much needed funds.
I am excited to be running a stall promoting Nibbles at VegFest at Olympia in November. It is a brilliant weekend and would encourage everyone to come. There is a BOGOFF on now if you are tempted https://london.vegfest.co.uk/tickets/

Nibbles has tended to spill into my own home too. We moved to Wales with our three bunnies Coco, Bo and their husbun Smokey Joe, all rescue buns themselves. We also have three guinea pigs who all came from Nibbles. Isaac was given up with his mum, auntie, sisters and brother. When we got him he was very grumpy but after being bonded with two long suffering ladies he has perked right up and will even tolerate a smooch. Diana was returned to Nibbles after being adopted. Diana’s partner died and her owners’ circumstances changed (as part of our adoption T&C's any animal adopted from the rescue MUST be returned to the rescue, in the event that the adopter is unable to continue to provide a home) She is a little aloof but is gradually coming around to the occasional very gentle head smooth. Barbara was found at the bottom of a garden and she is an adventure pig who loves a head smooth and chin tickle.

Quentin the chinchilla is a long term Nibbles resident but lives with us as he requires twice daily diuretic syrup (which he loves). He was part of a welfare case and was very unwell when Siobhan took him in. He now does an evening lap of his room and a spot of parkour before bed! Our home is also home to two ducks (Sammy and Ninny) and an Axolotl (the Captain).
I am passionate about rabbit and rodent welfare and know from my discussions at outreach events that people are often woefully unaware of the needs of these pets and that rescues everywhere are overflowing. I hope to continue volunteering and fundraising and inventing bun related lyrics.
